Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Day Drinking

It’s 12 o’clock on a Wednesday during the semester. Probably not the time you think about drinking or partying at, right? But wait, it’s snowing! Drinks and shots on the reg because it is snowing! Well what about drinking at 10am on a college football Saturday or before an NFL game on Sunday? Tailgating, a great thing or the greatest thing? Keeping all this in mind why is normal day drinking looked down upon? Just because it isn’t snowing, or there isn’t a game later, or you aren’t at the beach doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy a brew or 2 or too many during the day. Why should you be labeled an alcoholic for drinking during the day? If you are going to black out why should it be more looked down upon during the day than at 3am at night?
Let’s look at the facts that drinking during the day is the smart choice for many logical reasons. For one if you drink early, you get drunk early, you pass out early, and you wake up early. If you pass out at 4am and you have a 9am class or worst case scenario a job, you are either going to skip it or feel really awful and hung over the entire next day. Well what happens if you start drinking at 1pm? You pass out probably around 9pm. Not only have you had 8 glorious hours of drinking, you have another solid 10 hours of possible sleep time ahead. During the day there are so many less people drinking, this means that you will have ample room at your local establishment to enjoy a beverage or two too many. Granted less people mean less chance of landing a mate for the night but everyone there drinking you know will be awesome, I mean they are day drinking. Also you will not have to worry about overcrowding and you should be able to get a drink at your leisure.
Is there a better feeling then pulling out a lawn chair, posting up on your lawn or stoop, and having a drink while watching the day go by? For those who truly want to get aggressive you can attempt the epic double blackout (more about that in a later post). Just feeling the sun in your face and a cold drink in your hand is worth whatever your opportunity cost is. There is no reason we should discriminate based on what time you start drinking.


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

KG #1 Blackingout On Purpose

Its always good to make a plan and stick to it. Nothing beats deciding at 5pm your gonna flirt with alcohol poisoning tonight and accomplishing the goal. That feeling you get when you suddenly wake up on your front steps is only trumped by the feeling you get when you stand up, realize your pockets are empty and the steps before you do not lead to your home. When it comes to blacking out people like my friends go above and beyond.

I'm not sure if you had to take it when you came into college but I had to take a short online class called AlcoholEdu for college and my frat. For those lucky enough not to have been exposed to this waste of time let me fill you in. Every thing you know and love about drinking is dangerous. This little educational segment attempt to tell me that drinking 5 or more drinks in a night is called binge drinking. Clearly, the institutions behind AlcoholEdu don't realize if you don't have more than 5 drinks your wasting your time and your not even gonna catch a buzz. Forget 5 drinks a night my friends have like 5 drinks an hour, and if not your a hater. How can you expect to black out on 5 drinks? Ill take 5 pints of bourbon on the rocks please. Thank you.

Look don't even try to tell me I'm being unhealthy or that my liver is going to get some crazy disease. It won't. I mean hell, I made it this far with out getting swine flu or AIDS up until this point in my life. Shit, liver disease has shit on that. You know what you need liver disease? A good strong bourbon and coke or five.

Clearly anyone that doubts the joy or accomplishment behind blacking out on purpose has never experienced it. Just ask my blackout partner in crime, JP. I say next time a birthday is coming up or some festivity is around the corner, put your hand on a friends shoulder and say "Tryna blackout tonight?" I dare you to tell me that wasn't the highlight of your week. Until next time.

who is are we?

Before I start posting, I figured I'd take the time to explain myself. KG does not stand for my initials. It stands for Kentucky Gentleman. For any of the infidels not familiar with the bourbon let me explain why I take up my handle after the finest drink in the world. I cannot be myself without the special blend and the drink won't feel the same going down unless I'm close by to help you enjoy the whiskey that much more. You may have already started thoughts that involve the words "alcoholic" or "problem," but let me cut you off before forever taint your mind with invalid information.

Uhh, your crazy. The end.

Moreover about myself, I don't care about anyone that doesn't agree with me or anyone I don't forsee being inside of. I like blondes that wear pearls to the gym and I love being the center of attention. I have to forewarn you, my post my be filled with poor grammar and treacherous spelling due to my intoxication. Readers beware vulgar language will pursue. Until next time.